So, we are a few months (I'm being generous here) into this pandemic and little has changed, and A LOT has changed too. Did you take the last 4 months off of your fitness or did you jump right in and begin something at home? If you went right in and started working out or looking for something to do, then I'm proud of you! If you didn't because it was just too much, that's ok too, I'm glad you know yourself!
But now we are THIS_______FAR into it and some people still don't have gyms to go to, no

daycare at their gym OR they have actually embraced the genius that is working out from home ("Hi" my own shower, tv for the kids, not going anywhere, getting back to life asap...). Which person are you? Have you taken 5 months off or have you been able to move your body and find some workouts to do?
Side bar: Why is is that it's all about the gym or workouts or moving?? Why is it that that's what we always talk about as a necessity and what everyone wants to do SO badly? Because we live in the 21st Century and we have to make it a point to move our bodies more than we actually do. We are so sedentary as a culture that we have to schedule in time to walk, sweat and build muscle; all things that our bodies do naturally when we don't drive everywhere, sit all day long, have tv streaming

and eat foods that cause lethargy (overly process stuff just doesn't give us the energy we could really benefit from!). So we can thank PROGRESS and INNOVATION for the fact that we lead more sedentary lives!! But also we can thank innovation for the new ways we can workout and move too.
So if you've decided to workout at home (with the StressLess Lifestyle VirtualGym or not) then I'm sure you need need to be able to "level up" and keep progress going, which can totally be done at home!
Or maybe this situation (aka The year 2020) has made you realize you just need a bit more fitness equipment at home for the times that it's just easier to do it at home, even if you have a gym you love (because that happens). What you may not realize is that, 5 months in, and it is near impossible to find any weights anywhere! Guess how soon after the shut-downs this stuff went MIA, 3 weeks into it and ALL weights were sold out, squat racks were nowhere to be found and even benches were totally gone. (I know, because my husband tried getting me one for Mother's Day and just 1 month in he couldn't find one!)
We have been asked so often what equipment someone should have or where to get it, or what's our favorite brand. I have a great narrowed down search page here:
I find most of my stuff looking on the sports/fitness page of Amazon.
But more specifically, here's the list for our StressLess Lifestyle Virtual Gym members of the things we suggest they have on-hand or have to help themselves level up (if it's in stock, get it, it probably won't be tomorrow!):
SPRI medium band - If you need just 1, this is it, it is light enough but can also get heavier by holding it closer or doubling it over. This is your 1-stop shop!

ANY size dumbbells, even just 1 set (if you're going with 1 set I suggest 8lbs (see here).
But if you can get a few I suggest a light, medium and heavy, that means whatever that weight is to you. We can even help you make 5lbs feel heavy! To see a variety and what's available here's where I go:
For a good at-home mat you can really go anywhere, TJ Maxx has some pretty good brands and so does Walmart but you really want to make sure it's quality, won't shred when you jump on it and will last. Here's my favorite: Gaiam Yoga mat These are 1/4" thick and extra "grippy" I use mine outside and inside.
You an find out more about our workouts at the virtual gym here: we do different workouts each day focusing on strength and cardio with optimal health as our ultimate goal!
If you have any questions or need any recommendations please reach out! And don't forget to enter the contest for a FREE MONTH on Instagram. Look for the white picture that says StressLess Lifestyle WORKOUTS (Virtual Gym).... follow the instructions. This contest ends Sept 3rd, 2020.
Stress Less & Do More,