Links & Discounts
Scroll down to find all the favorite links and discount codes mentioned on our social media.
PODCAST: The StressLess Lifestyle everywhere you listen
Feel your best, look your best and understand how nutrition affects your body. Want carbs? Eat them. Want lower carbs? ok. Want to fit in treats? sure. We utilize personalized macros JUST for you and carb cycling during the JumpStart 7 weeks of the Nutrition Membership.
You WILL be fitter after doing 6 weeks of these workouts. Whether you're time-crunched and just need a program to follow with short, effective workouts OR you are getting back into the groove and need something to keep you motivated, this 6 week challenge will be a great start to a continued healthy lifestyle.
**Also great "pick'n'choose" workouts while traveling!!
The StressLess Lifestyle Podcast is about all things Nutrition information, Fitness advice, aging well, Stress Management and basically breaking down everything we tend to make too complicated into easier to digest bits.
Hormones are a major part of our lives and they help drive our bodies. There are many hormones that affect how we feel, how we function and how we gain or lose weight. But are hormones to blame when we gain weight? What can we do about it? Which hormones are the culprits? $10.
Are your hormones keeping you fat?
Smoothies, done right, can help you get your miconutrients and fiber in. Smoothie box has no added sugar but a lot of flavor! Click the picture for a special link and then add code SAS10 for $10 off and free shipping on your first order.
This cookie dough and protein cake brand is vegan, gluten free, all natural ingredients and high in plant based protein! Use code Nicci for 10% at checkout.

This is an amazon link but they have great deals. The Aspire energy drink is zero calorie, uses stevia as a sweetener, is mostly vitamin b and a smaller amount of caffeine than most and doesn't have anything I wouldn't drink!
Elixinol is one of the best tested, well respected brands of CBD. I use this on a regular basis for mood, stress reduction and I even use their muscle recovery rub. Click the picture to shop!
This is my favorite BCAA, if you chose ot use it. Click the picture for a link with automatic discount and use code SENDIT for free shipping.
These seasonings are delicious and will flavor absolutely anything you need them to! Any flavor that is gluten free and lower in sodium but has all the flavor is StressLess approved! Click the picture for a link.