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How do I access the program?Once you have made your purchase to be in the next cycle of the Jumpstart Nutrition program an email is triggered right away to send you just what you need to get logged in to the portal and get started! If you don’t see it within 5 minutes or so, it may have gone to spam, or junk, or an “other” box depending on your email service provider. Do a thorough search. If you can’t find it, do reach out to me I am always available to help you at (We use gmail so there is less of a chance of you missing our emails.) We are more than happy to re-send your email, merge your email addresses if you’ve used more than one to make purchases in the past, or do anything to support you that we can. Once you’re logged in, you’ll see your program and you can access it anytime, from any device you’re on with your login and password!
What is the StressLess Lifestyle Jumpstart Program and what does it include?This is your Intro into the LifeStyle. 7 total weeks of accountability to begin your journey into the StressLess Lifestyle. What you get: A PREP Week {Success Week} where I will give you the tools to get ready for success. Personalized macronutrient numbers Daily exercise videos with form help (if you choose to do the workouts) Short weekly LIVE Cooking Lessons and food ideas Weekly Q & A sessions so I can help you as needed or touch on tough subjects that arise. Membership to a facebook group exclusive to your cycle with other women going through the same pain, aches, and successes as you. You also get ME, a Certified Personal Trainer and Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist. I will be there for you each step of the way.
What are the foods that I can expect to eat during the JumpStart Program?For the 6 weeks following Success Week, the goal is to eat whole, unprocessed foods. By eating this way, you will get more volume in your meals so you’re eating MORE. You will be including plenty of protein in each meal which will help you build calorie-burning muscles, and also help you feel full. The program is built around fitting into YOUR lifestyle, so deprivation is not a word you will hear. I will show you easy to follow recipe’s along the way and you will also get more tips and meal ideas from the fellow members in your cycle.
How much weight can I lose during the JumpStart Cycle?While everyone’s body is unique and will have varying results, it is important to understand what’s happening in your body as you start eating the way the program is designed. As you begin to lose body fat, your weight will naturally reflect that, but if you combine exercise with this kind of eating, you will also add some lean muscle - that will start to change the shape and composition of your body. This is the healthiest and most sustainable way to change your body. When you combine that approach with an exercise program like the ones I have included for you or those on our On-Demand Virtual Gym, you can accelerate your results massively. Your ideal body doesn’t need to be a number on the scale. How your body Looks and Feels is much more important! The best way to see your results is by taking your measurements and progress pics! If you can’t see the change, send those pics to me, and I will have an objective eye for you. If there is no change after a few weeks, I can reevaluate your macro numbers.
Does the JumpStart Program count calories or macros?Yes, I will provide your personalized macronutrient numbers that you will be following throughout the cycle. The closer you are to your numbers, the quicker you’ll see results. Tracking your food isn’t a life sentence, but it will be used as a tool to better understand your food choices during the program. The JumpStart Program is designed to help you balance your hormones and get your body to work towards feeling its best. I will take out the guesswork to ensure a lifestyle of food enjoyment and a healthy body that you can be proud of and feel great in for years to come.
Is it possible to eat Vegetarian while following the program?Yes, absolutely it is possible. We have had both vegetarians and vegans go through the program. The macros may need to be adjusted for your personal needs (vegan tends to be higher in carb) but we will work for your specific needs.
Do I have to give up all my treats, desserts and wine to be successful?"No, definitely not! A healthy lifestyle is all about moderation. I will teach you the best ways to indulge a little while still maintaining the StressLess Lifestyle. We focus on "whole foods" but leave room for things you love too!
Is this program for men and Women?Yes. Men and women both do this program and see great success. We have had many couples do it together!
Is the program ok for me if I am pregnant, trying to get pregnant or nursing?"Yes! The program provides a wholesome, healthy eating system that is ideal for anyone who wants to support optimal wellness. You should always consult with your doctor or health care provider when making changes to the way you eat during pregnancy. For nursing moms, we will be in constant contact about your milk supply and needs,food is important but so is water. We will make adjustments as needed, many nursing moms have successfully breastfed and lost weight at the same time. If you are postpartum we also have a corrective program to help with Diastasis Recti and pelvic floor issues, email
Do I have to exercise for this Lifestyle to work?You don’t have to kill yourself in the gym 7 days a week to see results. You have to make sure your workouts are EFFECTIVE and are not causing you more stress. I invite you to try a week of our On Demand/Live Virtual Gym FREE which is tailored to work with the StressLess Lifestyle. It is like having a personal trainer in your home, everyday. Check it out here!
What is the StressLess Lifestyle?You must have hormones balanced to live a fat loss lifestyle. To do this, have: life balanced, stress reduced (even stressing about losing can hinder losing!), more sleep & balanced nutrition. With all of these in place you will be living a fat loss lifestyle. You will find that after a few months it will be easier...and StressLess.
What is the StressLess Lifestyle PROGRAM?Once you have completed the JumpStart program you are ready to be a Lifestyler. If you want to maintain your fat loss and maybe even gain muscle but need the nutrition accountability to go with your active lifestyle, then this is the program for you. If you still have goals to reach after your JumpStart Cycle then this is the place for you. If you have been a part of a few cycles and have reached a goal but don’t want to lose your progress, we will calculate your personal numbers to maintain your success.
What are the StressLess Workouts?This is the place for Live or On-Demand VIRTUAL Workouts that are based on the StressLess Lifestyle philosophy and programming. Each day is a different workout which may include: HIIT, lifting, cardio, bodyweight, metcon, yoga/stretching...all from the comfort of your own home! It is a paid weekly membership, but I have a free 7 day trial so you can check it out and see if it is a good fit for you! (*Free week when you sign up for weekly membership) We will offer 6 opportunities to workout and you can do all or some of them. They will be done LIVE but also available on-demand for the current week so you can do them whenever you need, wherever you are! Check out what your workouts will look like at a glance here.
How long are the workouts?Generally, the workouts range from 25 - 45 minutes, which include a warm-up and stretching at the end. We always take some time at the end for quiet meditation and positive affirmations to get you rolling into your day already feeling like a champ. These workouts are developed to be short and efficient, because we know that you don’t have time to spend an hour or more working out.
Do I need equipment if I am doing this program from home?We recommend that you have at least one set of dumbbells for a majority of the workouts. Since it is hard to get your hands on dumbbells these days, you can use bodyweight and still get a great workout. Britt or I will help you with modifications if you join us in the live workout.
Will these workouts help me lose weight? How quickly?If you’re looking to shed unwanted body fat and gain lean muscle, these workouts are for you! I don’t like to focus solely on “weight loss” because workouts are designed to change your body composition. You may lose body fat, if you have fat to lose, and strengthen your body by adding lean muscle. This is why I highly recommend taking progress pics and measurements throughout your journey to really see the results of your hard work. For the best and most efficient results, I recommend joining us in our nutrition cycle since the workouts are tailored to work with your macros, but that is not required to see great results. Eating whole, nutrient dense foods that fuel your body is really all you’ll need to be ready for these workouts.
Will I build muscle? I don’t want to get bulky.The cornerstone of a strong, lean and healthy body is having adequate muscle. The weekly exercises combine resistance training, explosive cardio, and stretching to effectively and efficiently add lean muscle and burn fat. I have been weight lifting/resistance training for many years, and it is a myth that weights will make you bulky as a woman. Building muscle is important for building metabolism (so you can eat more) and also for bone health, not to mention an overall strong look!
I haven’t worked out in a while, are these workouts ok for beginners?"Yes, our workouts are definitely ok for beginners. All fitness levels will be challenged with our workouts and experience great results. You can go at your own pace and choose how much weight you use to make the workout work for you. Whether you join in for the live workout or watch the replay, we will give you modifications to meet you where you are.
Can I sign up for the Virtual Gym without being a part of a current nutrition cycle?Yes, absolutely! You can do one or the other or both! I am all about fitting health and nutrition into your life, whichever season you may be in.
What are the benefits of HIIT Style workouts?High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is a super effective way to burn fat while maintaining lean muscle. These workouts are typically shorter in length and pairs an intense work period with a short rest. Building muscle while burning fat that won’t tax your hormonal system.
Why do we need weight lifting days?Muscle is the key to increasing your resting metabolic rate. When you have a higher metabolic rate, your body can intake more food and sustain your weight, or your body can intake more food and still lose body fat. Building muscle will help your body look “firmer” and have the right curves you’re looking for. Creating tension on your bones is a proven way to heal from osteoporosis. Resistance workouts put the necessary tension to create stronger bones and keep your body strong and healthy as we age.
What is carb cycling? Why do we do it?In short, carb cycling is when you rotate between days of eating lower amounts of carbs and days of eating higher amounts of carbs. Carb cycling is NOT magic, it is a way to eat lower carb (as many of our hormones are dictating we need for fat loss) but also a way to have those carby treats and fun foods that we love. Read my short, yet informative Ebook about Carb Cycling as part of the StressLess Lifestyle.
Counting macros and weighing my food sounds extreme! How do I stay motivated?Motivation comes from your desire to reach goals. It can also come from the knowledge that others are doing this along with you and are going through the same struggles! Seeing progress and feeling better will keep you going forward. Not everyone is motivated all of the time. That is ok, but as long as you know your goals, know yourself and realize you can keep going, you will still see progress. You don’t have to count macros and weigh food forever! You must know what portions look like, what size and amounts of your favorite foods look like. You must learn what you’re intaking. Once you learn what portions look like and what it takes to feed your body, you will be more able to eat without measure, you can eyeball it. You’ll just need to log/measure to check-in with yourself every once in a while.
Do you have any meal prep tips or recipe ideas?As part of your membership in the nutrition cycle you will get weekly tips on recipes from fellow cycle members as well as a weekly “Cooking-ish” show where I make a quick meal or recipe that the whole family will love. The StressLess Lifestyle is all about, you guessed it, stressing quick and easy meal ideas are a key component to the program.
How do I know how much to eat?You will get personalized macronutrient calculations from Nicci. These tell you how many proteins, fats and carbs to intake per day. Once you know your goals, you will then get information on what foods have which macros, and how to put your meals and day together to reach those daily goals. Nicci and the other members will help with ideas along the way!
How do I deal with cravings?Cravings usually come from imbalance. Imbalanced hormones (hello PMS cravings), imbalanced hormones on a regular basis, lack of sleep and stress all cause cravings. Also, telling yourself “no” causes cravings. You can eat the foods you want, you just eat them in a limited quantity. We discuss cravings and how to stop or manage them during the cycle.
What Protein Powders do you recommend?Any protein powder that is 20g of protein or more (preferably 24g) and has less than 5g carbs and less than 3g fats. However you can use whichever you like, just as long as it helps you reach your protein goal and doesn’t push your other macros over. As always, I suggest eating WHOLE foods over powders. Powders are fun to add as treats (baking) or as a way to make a “healthier” food as opposed to one that doesn’t have protein (pancakes, muffins, waffles). But it is a supplement to the whole foods you already consume.
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